Oregon Section F: Timberline Lodge to Cascade Locks (August 9-11, 2012)

I was totally fascinated by this waffle maker.  It had an
automatic timer that was activated when you flipped it over.

Breakfast buffet at Timberline Lodge.  Delicious beyond words.  :-)

In the dining room with other PCT hikers:  Scott, Norm, Basa

Everywhere at Timberline Lodge they had these great carvings

Writing postcards on the patio

I sent out lots of postcards from the trail, but the
record was from Timberline:  15 of them!!!

Only 550 more miles to go!

Timberline Lodge with lupine

Warning sign for stream crossings.  A hiker had died
trying to ford a rain-swollen river a couple of years earlier.

Unfortunately, my camera started malfunctioning about two miles after Timberline Lodge (it was still taking pictures but overexposed everything), so all I have for the remainder of this section are blurry cell phone pictures and videos (on which the lighting was still fine, surprisingly).


There were so many pretty wildflowers, and all I had
to take pictures of them was my cell phone!  :-(

Avalanche lilies

Sunset at Paradise Park.
A nice hiker who was also camped there tried taking a look at my camera and
almost got it back to normal, but alas, it was malfunctioning again the next
morning.  (You can see some weird "lines" in the sunset in this picture already.)

Looking out west

The summit of Mount Hood

Indian Paintbrush

The Sandy River

Down at the riverbed

The river crossing.  I actually have a video of this.

Crossing the Sandy River (video)

Ramona Falls

Ramona Falls (video)

Somewhere in the woods...

Mount Hood from a distance

Tiger Lily

Like most PCT hikers, I took the Eagle Creek Trail to Cascade
Locks.  This is one of the many waterfalls along the trail.
It was a stunning descent into the Columbia River Gorge.

The trail was definitely not suitable for people with acrophobia.

Tunnel Falls, the most famous waterfall
on the entire Eagle Creek trail

Walking behind Tunnel Falls

Inside the Tunnel Falls tunnel

Tunnel Falls from below.
(Note the people on the trail.)

Huge dragonfly eating... something.

Totally unperturbed deer on the connecting trail
shortly before Cascade Locks

Cascade Locks, yay!

The Columbia River Gorge

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