Oregon Section E: McKenzie Pass to Timberline Lodge (August 1-8, 2012)

Nobody who knows me will believe this, but this is actually the sun*rise*...

Lots of burnt forest before Mount Washington

Big Lake Youth Camp - one of my resupply stops


Lily Pad Pond

...the next morning

Looking back towards Mount Washington and the Sisters

The Three-Fingered Jack from the southwest

Mount Jefferson

The Three-Fingered Jack from the northern ridge

Yes, somebody had left a ladder up there!

Pretty flowers and lake in burn area

Wasco Lake

The burn areas in this part of Oregon were pretty extensive.

Rockpile Lake

Approaching Mount Jefferson.  It was windy up there!

Lunch break somewhere on the trail

Lakes down by the Oregon Skyline Trail

On the western side of Mount Jefferson

Milk Creek

Russell Creek.  I had been nervous about this creek crossing, which the guide
 book advised to do "early in the morning", until it occurred to me to ask other
 south-bound hikers about it.  The assured me that it was still frozen over solid
(which it was, to my great relief).

I fell in love with Jefferson Park.  It was such a pretty area.

Mount Jefferson from Jefferson Park

Russell Lake

Jeffrey Shooting Star

Looking back towards Mount Jefferson

Some weekend hikers took this picture of me.

One last view of Mount Jefferson

My first glimpse of Mount Hood!

Pyramid Butte, and Mount Hood

Eastern Oregon in the distance.  It looked a lot more dry and desert-like.

Olallie Lake

At the Olallie Lake Store.  I was happy to be there, as the previous day had not
ended too well.  After several blessed mosquito-free days at higher elevations,
the little bloodsuckers had returned full force on the way to Upper Lake, where I
had camped for the night.  I could not get the DEET out of my pack and onto my
legs quick enough.  A really nice weekender couple generously shared their smoky
campfire with me, but even inside a cloud of smoke and covered in DEET they were
still attacking.  I felt very worn-out and discouraged the next morning.  Thankfully
I met a very nice man and his daughter on the trail, who told me about the store.
No ice cream, unfortunately, but ice-cold sodas!

Mosquito feeding frenzy

Olallie Lake and Mount Jefferson

Mount Hood at sunset, right before a thunderstorm.
Earlier that day, I had met Scott and Katie (Trout Whisperer and
Larkspur), a super-nice couple who were also section hiking Oregon. 
We ended up camping together in a little makeshift campsite right
beside the trail.  It was so nice to have company!

Old PCT trail marker

On the trail, shortly before Timothy Lake campground.
Scott and Katie had invited me to share their camp site again.

Timothy Lake

Crater Creek bridge.  It was hot in the sun!

Mount Hood

My entry in the trail register

Sunset at Upper Twin Lake

Useful signs in the wilderness

Going up Mount Hood

Scott and Katie - my wonderful hiking companions on the way to Timberline Lodge

Looking south towards Mount Jefferson

The whole mountain was covered in lupine.

And it was also really really sandy.

Dust storm.  The last two miles before Timberline Lodge
were like being sandblasted; it was so windy.

We made it!

Silverware, linen napkins, flowers and wine glasses
were quite a change from life on the trail.


Timberline Lodge from above, with Mount Jefferson in the background

Sturdy log constructions inside


  1. Hi Ingrid,

    How long did take you from Big Lake to Timberline. I am planning to that portion the third week of August. Please let me know. Thanks.


    1. Hi Oscar,

      check out my "Daily Mileages" post for details. It took me about 6.5 days to get from Big Lake to Timberline.

      Enjoy your hike,
