Washington Section F: Stehekin to Manning Park, Canada (September 18-23, 2012)

Coon Lake

Fall foliage

Bridge Creek

Getting water at Bridge Creek

On the way to Hideaway Camp.  I camped there together with
Nightingail and Knutella, two extremely nice thru hikers.

On the way up to Cutthroat Pass

Cutthroat Pass

Between Cutthroat Pass and Granite Pass

The smoke from the eastern forest fires had become so dense in the
valleys that it was actually a relief to be hiking at higher elevations.

Behind Methow Pass

Hiking along the West Fork Methow River valley

Brush Creek
I saw a bear going up this valley.

After Glacier Pass

The mountainside with the insanely many switchbacks
(Somebody told me they counted them, but I forgot the number.)

Fall colors

Sunset behind the opposite mountain ridge

Almost at the top of the switchbacks!

Because I was climbing uphill faster than the sun was setting
behind the mountain, I was in the sunshine again at the top of the ridge.

Up on the ridge

Pretty glowing larch trees

This was not quite how I had expected northern Washington to be.

On the way to Harts Pass

Nothing like finding a sign like this on the trail to make you hike a little faster...

 Trail magic at Harts Pass, including food and live music.  Thank you, Slick!

Cold sodas!  I could not tear myself away from that place...  ;-)

Fall colors in the Pasayten Wilderness

Another hazy day...

The Dark Mark!
(For all you Harry Potter fans...  ;-) )

Canyon Creek basin

The weather was very strange.

Approaching Rock Pass

The famous "Do not attempt the abandoned trail shortcut
unless you want to die on your very last day on the PCT"
outlook to Woody Pass

The fall colors were so pretty.

Trail to Woody Pass

Looking back

On the other side of Woody Pass

Tow-headed Baby, one last time...

Shortly before Mountain Home Camp

Hopkins Lake

My last morning on the PCT!

Camp at Hopkins Lake
It felt so strange to go through all these "one last times" that had
been part of my daily routine for over two and a half months.
"This is the last time I will be making morning tea", "This is the
last time I will be washing my hair in my little wash basin", "This
is the last time I will be packing up my tent", ...

Countdown marker to the border.  Only five more miles!

Considering we were in the U.S (and hopefully every hiker encountering this
sign aware of this), wouldn't it have been more helpful information if they had
included what was on the other side of the border, too??

Practice photo shoot four miles from Canada

The border!!!

And then there it was... the monument, and the end of the trail.

I noticed the U.S. side did not have any corresponding welcoming signs...
(Which is because you're not allowed to enter the U.S. via the PCT, of course.)

My entry in the trail register
(Yes, Robbus got a mention, too!)

Somebody had left this inside the monument.

Sometimes the 10-second timer on my camera didn't give me
quite enough time to get all the way up to where I wanted.

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