Crater Lake (July 15-18, 2012)

Day trip up to the rim
(Didn't I say the lake was even bluer than my jacket?!)

They should have just named Crater Lake "The Insanely Blue Lake".

Starting out on my three-day side expedition around the lake.
(Two of my boxes/letters hadn't arrived at the Mazama Store in time, so I decided
I might as well do something interesting while I was "stuck" waiting for them -
hence, the crazy detour-around-the-lake idea...)

Looking south from the rim - I think that's Mount Shasta all the way in the distance.

Hillman's Peak from the back

The Rim Road

The weather wasn't too great.  It started raining in the evening.
(And I managed to break my lighter and had to try lighting my stove with matches.  Ugh.)

Camping away from the road - 1 mile officially; "in practice", the nice ranger
who issued my backcountry permit told me, "just get out of sight of the road"...

I went on a boat tour to Wizard Island the next morning.
This is the rim of Crater Lake from the inside. 

Llao Rock

Wizard Island

I was the only person on the whole boat carrying overnight
gear - "you look like you're prepared for pretty much anything",
the captain of the boat said.  (And I had to carry it all the way
to the top of Wizard Island because the squirrels would have
chewed up my pack, had I left it somewhere...)

Going up Wizard Island

Indian Paintbrush

View from the top

The caldera on top

Another view of the caldera

Boat landing

The water was crazy-crystal-clear.

The Phantom Ship

Pumice Castle

The sad thing is that this sign is probably necessary...

The Phantom Ship from above

The lake was beautiful, but the mosquitoes were really bad.

In fact, even standing still for a moment for a photograph
without your head net was almost impossible.

Last view of the lake - I gave up two thirds along the way
and hitched a ride back to Mazama Village.  The mosquitoes
were insane, and walking on a paved road was no fun -
my feet hurt, and I had to be constantly on the alert for cars
whose drivers clearly weren't expecting any pedestrians on
the road.  Plus, it was my birthday the next day, and I wanted
a nice birthday breakfast!  :-)

Waterfall on the way back

Birthday breakfast!!!  :-)

My camp site at the Mazama Village Campground

Going for a walk along the Annie Creek Canyon trail

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